Wednesday, April 27, 2005

bella bella

The FBI must be pissed off. The trail has gone cold, according to the times anyway. Been taking Italian classes, I have a friend who speaks Italian who never really got the difference between being pissed, and being off. Am never really sure what we are taking about.

Well my new found freedom has given me the chance to do more research. I have always believed I could revolutionize computer processing, and now I have. Finally I have the power to accurately predict the weather, simply from a few observable factors on the sun, and the current state of play on Earth.

So what? Well I will tell you what. Knowing how the weather works means that I know how to alter it. Sure it is not easy, I cant change summer into winter by pressing a button, but I can bring order to the previous chaos of seasonal weather. I can make it rain on Monday, by altering the knife-edge weather patterns on Saturday.

For what devious reasons would I want to do this? It all comes down to the cricket. The ability to manipulate the weather can cause or prevent a washout in a test match, changing a defeat into a draw, or an abandoned match into a win. If England win the first test, I can set all future tests on the verge of a washout.

The only problem I can see is not in the science. I just cant make England beat Australia on the pitch, I can only prevent a defeat off the pitch.

The weather machine does have other uses. I could cause a rainy election day, where the notoriously slack labour voters will stay at home, where as the hard core Tory vote will surely brave the elements.

I could even cause localized severe weather to damage pro RAS facilities.

despite my brilliance in this field, the main academic forces still ignore my work, but this will be to their detriment.

Your glorious leader,
Overlord Rear Admiral Alan,
Master of the Universe, M.Sci. G.C. PhD. Order of the Garter.


Blogger Overlord Rear Admiral Alan, Master of the Universe said...

btw, i can now be found with a google search. a look for raman prinja puts this blog on the third page.

the RAS are trying to motivate support by offering membership for £1. sneaky i know, but rest assured to fight against them is free (expect for the £250 membership fee i charge to go on to this site).

Mu haw haw.

12:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Synonyms for 'overlord':

chief, boss, big gun, big wheel, bigwig, boss, captain, chieftain, commander, dictator, director, duke, foreman, general, governor, head, head man, honcho, hyas tyee, key player, king, leader, lord, manager, master, monarch, ogema, overlord, overseer, president, prince, principal, proprietor, ringleader, ruler, sachem, sovereign, superintendent, supervisor, suzerain, top brass, tyee, dictator, ruler, absolutist, adviser, autocrat, baron, boss, caesar, caliph, chief, commander, czar, despot, disciplinarian, duce, emir, fascist, kaiser, lama, leader, lord, magnate, martinet, master, mogul, oligarch, oppressor, overlord, rajah, ringleader, sachem, shah, sheik, slave driver, strongman, sultan, taskmaster, terrorist, tycoon, tyrant, usurper, king, ruler, baron, caesar, caliph, crowned head, czar, emperor, gerent, imperator, kaiser, khan, magnate, maharajah, majesty, mikado, mogul, monarch, overlord, pasha, potentate, prince, rajah, rex, shah, sovereign, sultan, tycoon, lord, master, aristocrat, baron, bishop, captain, commandant, commander, count, dad, don, duke, earl, governor, king, leader, liege, magnate, man upstairs, marquis, monarch, nobility, noble, nobleman, old man, overlord, parliamentarian, patrician, peer, potentate, prince, royalty, ruler, seigneur, sovereign, superior, viscount, master, boss, administrator, big cheese, big gun, boss, captain, chief, chieftain, commandant, commander, commanding officer, conqueror, controller, director, employer, general, governor, guide, guru, head, head man, honcho, husband, instructor, judge, lord, manager, numero uno, old man, overlord, overseer, owner, patriarch, pedagogue, preceptor, principal, pro, ruler, schoolmaster, skipper, slave driver, spiritual leader, superintendent, supervisor, swami, taskmaster, teacher, top dog, tutor, wheel.

1:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe 'overlord' is not a synonym for 'overlord'. And I think 'wheel' is just plain wrong.

The Admiral has forgotten another possible use for rain - he could cause the Norwich - Birmingham game to be a washout. The twittering yellow fools will need all the help they can get.

£1, eh? That doesn't sound too bad...

1:53 pm  
Blogger Overlord Rear Admiral Alan, Master of the Universe said...

i cant imagine why prof bobbletoff would think that i would be interested in a premiership match between two teams he has nothing to do with.

certainly the admiral does not cheer on norwich city, neither does he live anywhere in norfolk, especially not in great yarmouth.

no one knows his true identity nor his current residence, this is the only way the admiral can hide from the forces of darkness.

do not be tempeted by the monarch loving, RAS croneys and their special offers. the cost to join is more than just your £1. they do not even do ritual sacrifies right. who offers the life of a plough to the stars?

3:37 pm  
Blogger Overlord Rear Admiral Alan, Master of the Universe said...

i still cant get over the name "kundi". every way i pronouce it, i laugh. i watched gengis khan on tv, but i kept reading gengis kundi.

is there a cure for the kundi?

3:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

colonic irrigation

11:41 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I regularly have colonic irrigation. You can't expect rich people like me to go to the toilet like everybody else. Besides, it does provide me with an enjoyable sensation of emptiness. But I recommend always forking out for the deluxe treatment. You get free cocktails before, during and after served by celebrities.

11:44 am  

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