Thursday, April 21, 2005

The admiral strikes back

I just know that fine artist, genius and living legend, agent George Lucas will not let the world of astronomy down. His parody of the inner circle of the RAS is the finest example of the incompetent bureaucrats at work. The jedi council represents the power base of the RAS, with the rest of the jedi as their stooges.

Agent Georges eye for detail is immense. The hideous green skinned goblin "yoda" so closely resembles Sir Martin Rees that his own mother could not tell them apart.

The force is just a play on beard, as in "let your power flow from the beard" and "let the beard be with you".

Of course, agent George more than anyone wants to see change at the RAS. The wise leader, Billy boy, and his powerful apprentice, that's yours truly, fight the beard wars to take ultimate control of the RAS.

I have been pressing for the construction of star destroyers, to reach out to the galaxy, spreading our wisdom and culture whilst maintaining our strangle hold on power. A very wise man by the name of George W Bush, was very interested in my plans and began development immediately. However someone seemed to have hijacked the name "son of star wars" and turned the project into some pointless missile program. What is the use of a missile when our most deadly enemies live on a planet around Betelgeuse?

The Admiral


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch, that was a low blow.

11:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you be callin my boy ugly, ya all.

11:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Mummy

1:30 pm  

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