Tuesday, April 19, 2005

But it would mean changing the bulb

Oh dear, I am worried about self consistency in my blog. Who would have thought it, since my favorite TV show and inspiration for a carrier in astronomy, red dwarf, was notable for its disregard of such things.

What kind of astronomer actually decided that is what they want to do after watching red dwarf? Only a melon.

This is the kind of man who failed his astro engineering exam no fewer than 13 times, 14 if you count the time I had that seizure.

Well it appears I have just missed the point on what I was talking about, rewind. szxcswzxsc

Yes Friday the 15th of April, Edinburgh castle, the butts cafe tribute band gig. With the entire Illinois state police surrounding the venue, how did I get in, perform a legendary gig then dash 57 miles along the interstate to deliver $5000 US to save a church from demolision whilst being chased by the ku klux klan?

Getting in was easy of course, I put on a dress and a bit of lippy and I was just another groupie. Opened the show with everybody needs somebody to love. They could not touch me on stage, and the last number the rest of the band walked to the front of the stage, whilst I jumped in the trap door.

I hot wired hitler's car, which pissed off the kkk even more, then set out on a destruction derby of a ride. Boom, crunch, smash, it looked just like the final scene from the film blues brothers.

Do you accuse me of ripping off a scene from a film and pretending that it happened to me in real life. Well one of em sang and the other played the sax, I play sixth lead guitar so it is totally different.

I ran out of gasoline after 38 mile of this police chase (145236452 kilometers for them that use em) so I followed standard procedure for getting the attention of another motorist, as demonstrated in the link.


the admiral


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny Pope-related Words

Antipope - a spurious pope
Papable - eligible to become Pope
Papabile - eligible to become Pope
Papacy - the office of the Pope
Papal - of or relating to the Pope
Papal bull - an official edict of the Pope
Papal States - the Pope's earthly kingdom
Papalina - a female Catholic
Papalism - the Papal system
Papalist - a Roman Catholic
Papalize - to convert to Catholicism
Papally - in a pope-like manner
Papalty - the office of the Pope
Papaphobia - an inordinate fear of the Pope or of Catholics
Paparchy - direct rule by the Pope
Papate - the office of the Pope
Pape - an derrogatory term for a Catholic
Papelard - a syncophant, a flattering parasite, especially Catholic
Papish - of or relating to Catholicism
Papism - Catholicism
Papist - a Catholic
Papistic - excessively Catholic or Pope-like
Papistical - of or relating to the Pope
Papisticate - to convert to Catholicism
Papistry - a derrogatory term for Catholicism
Papize - to side with the Pope
Papling - a follower of the Pope
Papolatry - excessive reverence for the Pope
Popable - eligible to become pope
Popal - belonging to the Pope
Popedom - the tenure of office of a Pope
Popehead - the condition of being a Pope
Pope-holy - santimonious, hypocritical
Popeism - Roman Catholicism
Pope Joan - mythical female Pope
Popekin - a small or petty Pope
Popeling - a deputy to the Pope
Popemobile - the bubble-topped, bulletproof personal vehicle of the Pope
Popeness - the caracteristic of being a Pope
Poperiche - the office of the Pope
Poper - a follower of the Pope
Popery - a derrogatory term for Catholicism
Popess - an alleged female Pope
Popeship - the office of the pope, or the papal person
Popestant - a follower of the Pope
Popet - a contemptuous diminutive term for a weak Pope
Popify - to convert to Catholicism
Popinian - Catholic
Popish - a derrogatory term meaning "Catholic"
Popishness - a derrogatory term for papal religion or practice
Popism - Roman Catholicism
Popize - to side with the Pope
Popely - worthy of the Pope
Popomastic - whipping the Pope

Close but not quite...

Papadum - an Indian lentil cake
Papaloi - a voodoo priest
Papular - of or relating to pimples
Papilation - the formation of pimples
Popard - a kind of duck
Popatrye - an archaic spelling of "puppetry"
Popegay - a parrot
Popeian - of or relating to the poetry of Alexander Pope
Popelican - a publican
Pope Lick - an area of Kentucky
Popelote - a pet or darling
Pope's nose - another name for a bird's rear end
Popeye - a spinach-eating sailorman
Popilion - an ointment made from the buds of the black poplar
Popination - an excessive drinking binge
Popocrat - a supporter of the US Populist Party
Popoi - a Polynesian dish made of Taro root
Popular - well-liked by many

11:32 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I feel a popomastic frenzy coming on

11:50 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Me again

Me once more

12:13 pm  
Blogger Overlord Rear Admiral Alan, Master of the Universe said...

Hey its not all bad about the new pope. Sure he has the same bad ideas that the last guy had. He hates gays, and divorcies, probably women also. He may be less of a people person than the last guy also, and he may have been a hitler youth, but at least he knows how to take orders unquestioningly from a dictator.

Just what the admiral ordered really.

2:51 pm  
Blogger Overlord Rear Admiral Alan, Master of the Universe said...

Hey popo joan, do you feel like some of that popomastic action with me?

2:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I excommunicate you oh unholy one, in the name of the fuhrer, the son and the holy spirt.

You may have the G.C. but you will never be able to use R.C. after your name. Muh haw haw.

Now be damned for eternaty.

2:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to point out that the Pope deserted the Hitler Youth, making him a coward as well as a Nazi. He also thinks rock music is the devil's work, and that's without hearing the Butts Cafe Tribute Band.

I spoke to my Catholic neighbour about him, and he declared him a 'nice man'. That's good enough for me.

1:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check this out. Who should YOU vote for? My dad's Lib Dem, my ma is strongly Tory, my bro is some freakish hybrid of UKIP, Lib Dem and Green, and I am UKIP through and through, although I am apparently quite Tory too (news to me). The questions are a little bit loaded, but it seems fairly accurate. Pity then that my family all vote Labour to stop the wrong lizards, sorry, Tories getting in (even my mum).

With any luck, this should degenerate into an ugly slanging match as we all deride each other for voting wrong.


5:08 pm  
Blogger Overlord Rear Admiral Alan, Master of the Universe said...

oh dear it seems i am a lib dem. i am still voting tory though. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! by the way prof hans bobble toff, did you take the descrimination test. i am highly discriminatory to old people. news to me, my best mate is 147 years old.

by the way, i always thought that the lighthouse family sang from the bowels of hell. aqua on the otherhand are surely played at the gates of heaven.

12:05 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well i am voting to lay the smack down.

If you dont watch Celebrity Wrestling - ITV1 Saturdays, 6:30pm, i will lay the smack down on your candy ass.

Please dont ask me what that means, cause i dont know.

12:29 pm  

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