A good pun is its own reword
A swift departure from politics is in order, since I don't do it on this blog. NtK is a good place to start for that. A great blog is forming in my mind, and is just days away, until then I leave you in the incapable hands of my down to Earth alterego.
One last thing on the papacy, the owner of www.benedictXVI.com has promised not to link his site to porn.
This guy must be thinking that the higher powers are against him.
I found this free computer game on the web, food force, aimed at 8-13 year old children. In a bid to compete with violent computer games, the makers wanted to promote peace and friendship as an alternative to blowing stuff up. I asked a nearby 8-13 year old child what they thought and they said "I think its gay". Sounds like food farce to me. If you wanna play it, the link is under miscellaneous.
Whatever you may think, Harj does not count as an 8-13 year old child.
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