Saturday, March 26, 2005

Subliminal message alert

All you bloggers out there, whether loyal to the RAS or looking for regime change, will surely treasure your copy of Mary L Boas Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences 2nd ed. The Angelina jolie of the physics community, Mary is a fine example to all physicist out there.

Agent Tony Hart in his duel role as artist and lecturer has been working the UK network for decades recommending this fine piece of work to undergrads across the nation. The rarer 2nd ed is known to contain coded messages, describing the eventual overthrow of NASA. This edition has only been given to the most trusted physicists and it is no accident that you own a copy. Details of translation will be given out shortly.

Agents out there working within the football association, will have noticed the overt operation, ultimate donkey, is taking place at old trafford today. Agent Emile Heskey will be recalled today, make a note of the time each time he mysteriously falls over.

On a lighter note, I have been made aware of Star Wars Holiday Special. Has anyone out there seen it? Really Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill all got together to make it.

I am currently operating from Budapest, since MI6 are hot on my heals. They have been gunning for me ever since I started collecting my Navy Pension, not bad for an admiral actually. Well how was I supposed to know that only real admirals are entitled to a pension. Billy boy was wounded in a gun battle yesterday, not badly, but he wont be ably to pour out the tea for a while.


Blogger Overlord Rear Admiral Alan, Master of the Universe said...

I will agree with you that Mary is Perhaps the foxyest lady on the planet

11:46 am  

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