Friday, March 25, 2005

The story so far...

Rejected by the UK physics council for being too radical, too mould breaking, too dangerous, perhaps even too shit to continue in the academic establishment, the admiral has become a renegade working underground to corrupt the youth of the British nation to the dark side, theoretical astrophysics.

He strives to lead a dark army to overthrow the powers that be and establish himself as chief astronomer of the Royal Astronomical Society. He associates with all manner of suspicious characters, in his bid to claim the noble prize for physics.

His only companions are Princess Melanoid Hoosenoid Boosenoid of Arundel (HRH), who uses her royal connections in her role as insider at the RAS, and Billy boy, the hologram of a lovely 140 year old man who loves to throw tea parties.

He wants you to join this most unsavory bunch of desperadoes, just as soon as he gets to grips with the gremlins in his blog.


Blogger Overlord Rear Admiral Alan, Master of the Universe said...

I am sorry Mel, of course you are lovely.

9:46 am  

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